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 It is true - babies don’t keep. One moment, you are holding your newborn in the hospital and the next you're watching them toddle off on two feet, bounding into preschool before you've even had a chance to breathe it all in.

Whether your baby is still a bun in the oven, a few days old, toddling through the park, swinging from the monkey bars on the school playground, or preparing for college, family photos are meant to capture this moment in time.

Although I am delighted to capture the portrait with everyone still, smiling and looking at the camera - what really fills my heart is the warmth of your love, as I watch the way your son carefully kisses the baby, the way your daughter giggles when her dad spins her around, and how you watch each one carefully, enjoying these moments.

When you look at your photos, I hope you will be able to relive all of the memories, hear the laughter, and feel all the love.